Our counsellors look at everything through the framework of the story that God as revealed in the Bible – that man is made in God’s image, so possesses intrinsic value and purpose. However, man has rebelled from God, which resulted in damaging God’s original design with deep and irreversible brokeness in man and this world. Therefore, we need a redeemer- Jesus Christ. He provides living hope through His gospel for today and eternity.
The reality that we live in a broken and fallen world with other wounded, broken people, creates suffering and pain in our lives. Our counselling seeks to not only address the presenting issues and suffering common to man, but explore the complex and largely hidden desires of the soul. God is in the business of restoring and renewing all things and we believe no person is beyond his redemption and grace.
Into this, we join with you, as real people who have experienced suffering, and through honest struggle have tasted the grace of God. We are certified biblical counsellors, adhering to the highest ethical standards, yet we are fellow travellers, committed to walking with you in your experiences. We count it one of our greatest and most humbling privileges to enter into the complexity and wonder of God’s story being written in your life.